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Boston Chapel archival letter Phyllis Collins-Wiggans 1956
Image of a letter sent to the editorial staff of The Christian Scholar on Phyliss Collins-Wiggans' participation in Boston Chapel
Ray Stark, Merle Fetter, George Porter Chapel SS pix.jpg
Photograph of ENC students and parishioners at Boston Chapel
Early Boston Chapel mimeo bulletins in Archives From Fay & Ray Stark.jpg
Photograph of an old Boston Chapel mimeograph bulletin
Thank you for your very gracious email and thoughtfulness
Email sent by Rev. Tasker thanking the family of Ken & Helen Sullivan for sharing their memories
The Rev. Kenneth E. and Helen R. Sullivan brought blessings to Boston Chapel home mission efforts
Email sent by Rev. Tasker remembering the help of Rev. Kenneth E. and Helen R. Sullivan and the print shop at ENC in Boston Chapel ministry
FW: Boston Chapel Pictures_20130607
Email chain regarding the donation of materials by John Kauffman and information regarding the pastoral ministry and administration of Boston Chapel
Important details re Boston Chapel beginnings
Email forwarded to Rev. Tasker from Jay Bergers detailing his correspondence with some of the remaining founders of the Boston Chapel
Nevin Crouse letter remembering Boston Chapel ministry
An account written by the Chapel Pastor
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Digital contact sheet of photographs from Top and Pat Hollett ; Caption: BOSTON CHAPEL ARCHIVAL PHOTOGRAPHS Tom & Patricial Hollett Collection
BostonChapel 012-0650044
Photo collage of digitized images. Caption: BOSTON NAZARENE CHAPEL CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE DEDICATION 1961