Jim Tasker- Finding the Lost

BOSTON CHAPEL Police praise in Dave Glusker article.jpg

She was a teen age girl who liked running the streets, seeking out excitement in the hideaway haunts all over the City. She was in trouble again. Her mother was a faithful Boston Chapel attender. Urgently ringing telephone brought a concerned call early Monday morning; Professor Delp said call was for me. “Reverend, my daughter was released with a weekend pass from Juvenile Hall, in my custody. She has to be back into Juvenile Hall this morning. I haven’t seen her since Saturday morning. The Police are going to blame me. Can you go to the police station with me?” I drove into Boston, met together with her mother at Boston Chapel, & we walked the 3 Dover Street blocks to Police Station #9 on Tremont Street. She asked the Desk Sergeant for help in finding her daughter. He answered her with a nod, dismissing her, and asking me to stay behind. “I know where that girl is, Reverend. She got into an after-hours bar fight Saturday night, and has a black eye. I know where she is right now. Reverend, the best thing you can do with people around here is let them kill each other.”