Honoring Bob Crew

Robert W. Crew, Boston Chapel Founding Pastor 1953.jpg

Bob was a sophomore when he started working on the Chapel. I was a freshman and for most of the fall of 1953 we spent our Friday night dates driving into Boston and cleaning out an old building. We filled truck loads of junk from the building. During this time Bob went to different faculty members to see if they would pledge $2. a week to support the chapel. The only faculty member who faithfully supported the chapel was Alice Spangenberg. Close to Christmas time in 1953, I asked Bob if we could do something else on Friday night beside clean the old building. He promptly took me out on a real date which I cannot recall where we went. When we finally got the chapel ready we started calling in the neighborhood two-by-two. We climbed up some narrow dark stairways and knocked on doors. Most of the dwellings were dirty and scary. I only recall standing at the door and not going all the way in. I know the work was very satisfying to Bob and to those who helped him, especially Jay Bergers.

~ Joan Crew Doskocil