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Holiday card with image from a wedding. Caption: Season's Greetings

Holiday card with image from a wedding. Caption: Season's Greetings

Caption: Our Sanctuary Christmas 1964 - Decorations donated by Parishioners - We had a play remember? The Altar had evergreens and lights - also decorated. The stage was the scene in Bethleham. Don Brotherton in charge

"Caption: Gary Saunders Paul Deas Roger Lashley Gary "I'll sleep standing up if I can!" Paul - "Wait for me, Mama!" Roger - "Go ahead, take your time, I can't hear my Mom calling me with this hood on!" (May 1965)"

"Caption: Paul Deas Karen Hollett Donitta Sanger Collette Lashley Sav Deas Sandy Hollett Debby Shattuck May 1965 Paul, you're so young to have a harem! "Can I help it if I'm so al handsome!?"

Caption: Cindy Hollett Betty Manna Julie Banco 3 Raving Beauties - who won second prize in the Beauty Contest! It was a Breezy Day in more ways than one - May '64

"Caption: Sherryl Deas + Mrs. Deas - "The Proud + Glad Mom - and scared Daughter! A lovely Graduation, too. June 1965"
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